Highly Sensitive


Sensitivity is messy. Embarrassing. Weak.

History records the strong, the winners, the tough and the economy rewards them. 

Yet, 20% of the population have inherited a gene meaning that they are highly sensitive. This 20% often have low confidence, are in the lowest paid and least politically represented demographics.  They are least likely to put their hand up to offer an opinion. Least likely to ask for a seat at the table.

Hannah Jane Walker is a highly sensitive person.

In this show she sets out to look at the usefulness of sensitivity as something available to us all.

Through stories, poems and interaction, this show asks if what we think of as weak is in fact resilience and whether - as we move into the future - we have greater untapped potential than we realised.


Developed with Kirsty Housley, Chris Thorpe, Matt Burman, Shôn Dale-Jones and Rebecca Atkinson-Lord. Supported by Associate Artist programme National Centre for Writing, Cambridge Junction and the Arts Council of England.

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Photo Credit: Field & McGlyn